Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Film Analysis Directions

In the Ad Analysis, a couple of students didn't address the advertisements directly, which affected their score. Someone can write a fantastic essay, but if it doesn't follow the prompt (or directions), then it misses the point.

So...if you are lost on the directions for the Film Analysis, ask me!

Following directions affects the score, no matter how great the essay is.

Film Analysis (125 points)
Final Draft – March 28 (for MW class) or March 29 (for ESL)
Peer Review Day – March 21 or 22

*It is possible the ESL class will not have a formal "peer review" day, but bring them anyway.
3-5 pages MLA Format

Choose from 1 of 3 options:
1) Compare/contrast 2-4 movies from the same genre
2) Compare/contrast two similar fictional movie characters from the same genre.
3) Compare/contrast a movie and its book, TV show or video game counterpart
•4) Compare/contrast a movie to actual history (ex. Disney Pocahontas to real-life Pocahontas)
Even though it’s compare/contrast, try to have an interesting thesis statement!
One outside source (or more) required!
Demonstrate how to integrate a quotation within a sentence, at least once or more.
Works Cited page

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