Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Research Paper Directions

Research Paper (200 Points)
Choose your own topic and make an argument!
MLA Format 4-7 pages
Due by last class meeting (physical copy)
MW Classes: April 27
TTH ESL:        April 28
Alternatively, it can be turned into my box in the Humanities Office by April 29
Bring Introduction on April 13 (to share with neighbor)
       MW Classes: April 13
TTH ESL:        April 14
Bring Rough Draft on April 20
       MW Classes: April 20
TTH ESL:        April 21
Needs 3 or more overall sources (2 must be “academic”)
Proper in-text citation (cite all quotations, statistics, unusual facts)
Must demonstrate quote integration from outside sources
Works Cited page required
No abortion, legal drinking age or marijuana topics allowed

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